“Going Green” has become a large part of repairing our nation’s infrastructure. Construction repairs to our roads, bridges and even governmental buildings are all required to be cost, energy and health conscious. Residential and corporate buildings and properties can also Read more…
Author: Dawn
May 29, 2016
Recently, we received a frantic call from a customer, “I can’t unload my order for rolled beams until I have the Mill Test Reports (MTR): it’s a Code Job!” Government Codes for cities, state and local municipalities have specific requirements Read more…
Bending, Tee Bending
May 22, 2016
Several steel mills produce small structural steel tees in sizes from ¾” to 2-1/2” which can be purchased at many steel warehouses. Tees can be rolled stem-in, stem-out or stem-up. Larger size tees are made by splitting a structural beam, Read more…