The curved steel in these Hummer dealerships function as a simple—but high impact—architectural element. Unlike “big box” retail structures, these buildings use curved steel as their primary roof structure. The interiors of these dealerships often have archtecturally exposed structural steel (AESS) which creates dramatic spaces.

A dealership in Brandon, Mississippi was one of the first to use the design concept developed by General Motors for Hummer which showcases the structure in elements inspired by military barracks and aircraft hangars.
Most of the buildings have the same or at least similar radii for the curved beams. What varies is the depth of the steel sections.

The Columbia, South Carolina, Hummer dealership was designed to resist wind speeds of 100 MPH and Seismic Zone D loadings. Exposed steel beams throughout 80% of the 10,000 square foot structure support a special 7-1/2” roof deck.
Hit hard by the recession, on May 24, 2010, the last Hummer H3 rolled off the line at Shreveport on May 24, 2010. Some of these dealerships still service and provide parts for Hummers. Others no doubt have been converted to other dealerships. The rugged design appears to be adaptable to other purposes.