In an exciting plan for a new regional park at Far Rockaway Beach in New York City, an unusual structure will stand at the end of five miles of boardwalk. The structure incorporates 5 x 3 x 0.375 rectangular tubing Read more…
Author: Dan
Don’t hang up your carpenter’s square quite yet; it will still be useful in the layout of your treads. But today’s smartphones have mini gyroscopes called MEMS (microelectromechanical system) gyros (that’s “JIGH-ro, not the Greek food GEE-ro). These sensors allow Read more…
Those of us who work with metals know that they are made out of materials that are either taken from the earth or that are recycled. But do you know which elements that constitute metals are the most abundant? Here Read more…
Manufacturers continually strive to reduce the costs of their products and that certainly is the case with gear manufacturers. There are several ways to make large ring gears. A ring can be burned out of plate and then the “teeth” Read more…
To develop the blank flat length for a cylinder rolled from sheet or plate is quite simple: Essentially, you should calculate the centerline arc: (Outside Diameter – Thickness) x 3.1416 = Length of Plate Required (Inside Diameter + Thickness) x Read more…
Within industry, when one thinks about bending aluminum for process piping, one usually thinks of bending round tubing or pipe most often through rotary draw bending. A pipe or round tube is formed around a die which matches the outside Read more…
Heavy rolled wide flange steel beams provide a strong yet simple mounting surface for circular rails of a Whirley Crane. Whirley Cranes are, by definition, free to rotate 360 dgrees while loading and unloading. Two large rings were rolled the Read more…
Steel cones have many uses: as ornamental iron components, as funnels, as chutes, and as transitions in metal ductwork to name just a few. Steel plate is formed into cones primarily by either rolling the plate in a plate roll Read more…
Metal bending is often the most economical way to produce chutes, ladder hoops and pipe clamps. A common design calls for 180 degree segments of plate or bar rolled the “easy way” (like a belt and not like a washer) Read more…
Steel beams and channels rolled into a circle and installed horizontally are often used to reinforce soil in trenches. These rings are called walers. Typically, steel sheet piling is driven into the ground behind the walers. This creates a ring template Read more…